duminică, 4 decembrie 2011


  Through our life we encounter a multitude of feelings. I always lived the moments at it's intensive, and always tried to give them a projection into other people lives. December in maybe one of the most beloved time of the year, because of the hollydays athmosphere and the warmth feeling it gives into our souls.
  I like to think that even though I am young and have a lot to live through still, I do have the right to have an honnest and true oppinion about real feelings. This is my first real Christmas here in Germany, and i have never thought to say this, but germans or maybe a part of them really know how to make the right athmosphere when it comes to hollydays. Maybe it is just me who got lucky, but the family of my girlfriend took me in and shared with me their way of celebrating the upcomming Christmas.
  I must say that I have a special respect for the couple that made and raised succesfull 5 children the best they could even though it was not so easy at all. Though they have their problems aswell, you can really see the joy in their eyes to be all together. Every single one of them live a multitude of feelings, the mother is the one having nearly tears in her eyes seeing all of her "babys" in one place, the father has proudness in his heart seeing the biggest of the sons realising his dream, the children are happy to be at home just like when they were small. It might be that this is another tippical Christmas story, but it is really a wonder to have to live these thingson your skin how the romanians would say, but what is even more wonderfull is that these feelings were given to me by the people we all know as being the coldest in these kind of things.
                                                                 Many thanks to the Kempt family from Lossburg, Germany!

Un comentariu:

  1. I am not just saying this, but im trully extremely happy for you!
    You didnt have such an easy life, you didnt have such an "easy family" but you were strong enough to keep walking, to keep believing, to keep hoping.
    And now, when you less expected, you got this gift.
    And you deserve it, you deserve every emotion you get, you deserve it all, Cata!
    And I know you appreciate it more than others would.
    Take care of your new family, they love you for who you are and they appreciate you for this!

    Off topic: you might want to change the font of your writing... its not that "readable"
